Keep your referral networks fresh, motivated and longing to help you.Finding referrals is one thing sustaining your networks for the long-term partnership is another. The relationship between the two is how you approach and manage the people in your networks.
In this episode we share effective ways to keep your referral contacts fresh and motivated to help you bring in clients and refer your business to more people in their networks.
Listen for insights on cultivating networks for lasting success.
Useful resources mentioned in this episode:
The Call-to-Action program: https://www.tonikabruce.com/cta/
Strategies for Effective Online Networking: https://www.tonikabruce.com/free-stuff/
#ReferralNetworking #CoachingPodcast #TonikaBruce #BusinessGrowth #BusinessTips #Networking #Podcast #BusinessCoaching #mondaymotivation
Resources related to this episode
Here are some resources to help you improve your networking skills:
- The free downloadable checklist Strategies for Effective Online Networking https://www.tonikabruce.com/free-stuff/
- The Call-to-Action Coaching Program https://www.tonikabruce.com/cta/ will teach you more strategies for finding clients for your business.
Start here with a road map. Get the intentional team management bundle: www.tonikabruce.com/intentional-team-management-sales/
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